Plan Ahead, Procure Smart: The Dynamic Trio of Retail Success Categories: Blog|Tags: Assortment Planning, Buying, inventory Management, open to buy, Open-to-Buy, pre-season planning, procurement, supply chain|
The Power of Assortment Planning and the Omnichannel Categories: Blog|Tags: Assortment Planning, buy quantity, depth and breadth, inventory Management, Omnichannel Planning, open to buy, retail analytics, Retail Store Clustering|
Assortment Planning Wedge Vs. Depth and Breadth Categories: Blog|Tags: Assortment Planning, depth and breadth, Merchandise Planning, omni channel planning, Omnichannel Planning, open to buy, Open-to-Buy, personalization, Retail Store Clustering|
Maximizing Retail Success: The Power of Strategic Open-to-Buy Management Categories: newsletter|Tags: Buying, demand planning, gross margin, inventory Management, markdowns, open to buy, procurement|
Embrace the Future: Why Investing in Technology is Essential for Retail Success Categories: newsletter|Tags: Assortment Planning, Buying, open to buy, procurement, supply chain, Technology|
Shrink in Retail: A Rising Tide of Losses and Challenges 2023 Categories: newsletter|Tags: Assortment Planning, Buying, Merchandise Financial Planning, open to buy, Open-to-Buy, procurement, supply chain|
The Evolution of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in the Retail Industry 2023 Categories: newsletter|Tags: Buying, omni channel planning, open to buy, Open-to-Buy, procurement, retail analytics, supply chain|
The importance of strategic planning! 2023 Categories: newsletter|Tags: Buying, open to buy, Open-to-Buy, retail analytics, supply chain|
58 % of fashion executives said that Assortment Planning is a key area – 2023 Categories: newsletter|Tags: Assortment Planning, Buying, open to buy, Open-to-Buy, retail analytics, standardization, supply chain|