I currently plan all my assortments in Excel. How easy is it for me to migrate to your solution?
My organization is just now embarking on customer-centric strategies. We are not yet positioned to take advantage of daVinci’s customer-centric aspect of planning assortments. Can we still use daVinci?
Yes. At daVinci Retail, we recognized retailers vary as much in the type of business and strategy as they do in their evolution of customer-centricity. daVinci’s Buy Management System is designed to help each retailer evolve irrespective of where they are in this evolutionary process. Start with what you have today using daVinci Buying or Merchandise Financial Planning; as data mining and business intelligence become available, daVinci is ready to take that knowledge and help you leverage it to execute your strategy.
I use a merchandise planning enterprise solution. Will daVinci work with other merchandising applications?
Yes. One of daVinci’s fundamental philosophies is that planning is at the center of many merchandise processes. For our solutions to be effective, it must integrate seamlessly with other in-house systems such as financial planning, design, purchasing, and allocation. At daVinci Retail, we believe the key to a successful buy management system is to plan concurrently and communicate dynamically with other stakeholders in the planning process, including financial planning. As such, daVinci provides merchants with best-of-breed buying and assortment planning solutions that integrate into your financial planning tool, whether it be Arthur, Oracle, or any other tool.
Can daVinci take sales curves, history and forecasts to help get me started?
Can I get vendor reports from daVinci?
We don’t have a lot of IT support. Is daVinci hard to implement?
What databases does daVinci support?
The daVinci Buy Management System suite of products are built using a modular and multi-layered technical architecture to allow for maximum flexibility and scalability. The data layer is database agnostic, which can utilize any of the major relational databases.